Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who are London Public Speakers?
We are a member club of Toastmasters International, which has grown to become a world leader in helping people become more competent and comfortable in front of an audience. With nearly 345,000 members in more than 15,900 clubs in 142 countries, Toastmasters offers a proven – and enjoyable! – way to practice and improve your communication and leadership skills. You can learn more at the Toastmasters International Website
2. When does London Public Speakers meet?
We meet every Monday, except on Bank Holidays.
Please check for details of next meeting on MeetUp or on our calendar below –
3. When does the meeting start and finish?
The meeting starts at 6:50 pm (18:00) for a 7:00 pm (19:00) start, meetings are generally finished by 8:45pm (20:45).
4. Where does London Public Speakers meet?
We meet at The Shipwrights Arms, 88 Tooley Street, London SE1 2TF –
5. Do I need to register before attending?
Guests to our club are always made to feel very welcome. There is no need to register, just turn up on the night and have fun!
6. Do I need to prepare or bring anything?
There is absolutely nothing for you to prepare in advance of attending the meeting. Please do consider bringing a smartphone or pen and paper with you as it can be useful in the meeting.
7. Who runs the meetings?
We don’t have a single person who always takes charge of our meetings. Instead everyone participates to practice and learn new skills by taking a meeting role such as timer, evaluator or grammarian, giving a prepared speech from the Toastmasters manual or taking part in the impromptu speaking section called Table Topics.
8. Is it expensive to join?
No. If you compare our membership fees to various courses you can attend, London Public Speakers is the least expensive and in our opinion the most effective way to learn public speaking and to develop confidence.
Toastmasters is a not-for-profit organisation.
9. How can I join?
The joining process is very simple, you only need to fill in a brief membership form and pay both the joining fee and membership fees. You will need to be more than 18 years old to be eligible for membership of Toastmasters International.
10. How can I find out more?
Simply come along to one of our meetings and have a chat with our members; use our Contact Us form; email us or visit the Toastmasters International Website